List of Fancy J2ME Applications (General)
I am a J2ME developer for many years now. In 2001 I started developing Safe ( and since then I updated this application once in while. So, I kept pace with the evolvement of J2ME. MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1 and the advent of various JSR projects improved the plain J2ME framework a lot. Now, it is possible to access files stored on a mobile device and to communicate with back-end servers by using Web-Services. The 3D-graphic API allows fancy game scenarios and the well-known Location-API is an enabler for the location-based service market.
Not only has the Java side improved, also mobile devices advanced. Back in 2001 my Palm Pilot m505 was busy for a few hundreds milliseconds decrypting a short text message that has been encrypted using AES. Nowadays, I cannot recognize any delay in decrypting the same text message. Also, many mobile devices offer a lot of free memory, so that J2ME applications can be executed at high speed without many time-consuming garbage-collection runs.
Back in 2001 and 2002 we have seen an explosion of J2ME applications even that the J2ME-platform was not as feature-rich as it is today and the hardware was much slower. Register-websites such as list nearly 500 different applications ranging from a Doom port to ICQ instant messenger client. However, my impression is that many software projects and register-websites have been shut down during the last few years. For instance,'s front website lists the last addition of a software project back in 2004. And if you click through the list of applications many project websites do not even exist anymore.
On the other side, companies likes Yahoo! and Google have joined the J2ME software market by releasing tools such as Google Maps, Google Mail and Yahoo! Go. These tools are on the cutting-edge of what is possible with J2ME and show how cool applications on mobile devices can be. From my point of view, we are lacking a website that keeps track of all the cool J2ME applications that have been unleashed recently. To change this I am going to post a list of cool applications I use in my daily life. I ask everybody who is using other cool J2ME applications to complete the list of applications by posting the name and a link to the project website by adding a comment to this blog entry.

Very cool J2ME applications (in random order): This is my list of fancy J2ME applications for shiny mobile devices. Now it is your turn to enhance this list. :-)

Posted by Thomas King at 00:00 2007-08-08 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (3)


Versuch mal Qeep ( und nimbuzz ( Das sind beides coole mobile social network tools. Cu
Comment by Unbekannt at 22:46 2007-08-09

Ein Instant Messenger für MSN, Yahoo und AOL ist Ebuddy Mobile Messenger ( Ein ganz nettes Tool und sehr hübsch.
Viel Spass damit.
Comment by Markus Hauser at 17:06 2007-08-12

I found another cool tool that is capable of many instant messenger protocols (ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk, Yahoo!, MSN, AIM, Skype) and also provides VoIP and text messages: EQO ( The tool is a J2ME application and runs on many state-of-art cell-phones. Just give it a try, it is quite cool!


Comment by Thomas King at 23:59 2007-08-16

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