MobileKnox 1.4.0 (MobileKnox / Safe)
Today, I released MobileKnox 1.4.0. This release contains one big new feature: “Used nearby”. “Used nearby” lists the entries that have been opened in the past close to your current location. For instance, if you are using entries (e.g., accounts for servers) mainly while being in the office these entries are listed. If you are using other accounts while being at home (e.g., accounts for flickr, amazon, and paypal) the entries representing these accounts are shown first in the list of all entries. So, this makes accessing entries of MobileKnox really easy.
The following screenshot shows a list of entries that is sorted by the distance between where I opened the entries the last time and where I am standing while holding the smart-phone. As you can see this really helps finding entries.

Have fun using MobileKnox and DesktopKnox.

Best regards,
Thomas Thomas
Posted by Thomas King at 00:22 2010-10-26 | Trackbacks (0) | Comments (0)